Extra-curricular Activities (Clubs and Circles)

<Extra-curricular Activities (Student Union Clubs)>

University education includes both curricular and extra-curricular education activities. Curricular education refers to activities that form part of the formal curriculum, including educational or research activities, whereas extra-curricular education refers to activities outside of the formal curriculum. Both types of activities are extremely important to the University, and we liken them to the two wheels of a vehicle; that is, we believe that both of them are necessary to remain balanced and move forward.

Voluntary extracurricular activities give students the chance to learn independence as well as cooperation through group activities, providing a unique opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility and duty. Moreover, they encourage personal development and self-improvement during a formative stage of life. As such, we sincerely recommend students to make the most of their campus life by getting involved in an extra-curricular activity.


<The Student Union>

The Student Union is an autonomous student-run organization that aims to develop creativity and innovation at Okayama University through a wide range of sports and cultural activities. The union is university-authorized, and the University directly supports club activities by providing on-campus facilities, such as rooms and equipment.  


<Medical Branch Official Clubs>

北アルプス三俣診療班 Northern Alps Mitsumata Medical Hiking Group

美術部 Art Club

鹿田軽音楽部 Shikata Keion Club

医英会 M.ESS

鹿田茶道部 Shikata Sadou Club

漕艇部 Rowing Club

鹿田水泳部 Shikata Swimming Club

陸上競技部 Athletics Club

バドミントン部 Badminton Club

男子バレーボール部 Men’s Volleyball Club

男子バスケットボール部 Men’s Basketball Club

ソフトテニス部 Soft Tennis Club

硬式庭球部 Tennis Club

準硬式野球部 Junko Baseball Club

サッカー部 Soccer Club

卓球部 Table Tennis Club

弓道部 Archery Club

剣道部 Kendo Club

柔道部 Judo Club

空手道部 Karate Club

スキー部 Skiing Club

ゴルフ部 Golf Club

女子バレーボール部 Women’s Volleyball Club

女子バスケットボール部 Women’s Basketball Club

鹿田写真部 Shikata Photography Club


岡山大学ピアノ部. SPF (Okayama Piano Club)




animato (Shikata String Ensamble)

岡山大学医学部ラボサークル Okayama University Medical School Laboratory Circle





<Medical Branch Unofficial Clubs (Circles)>

鹿田書道サークル Shikata Calligraphy Circle

岡山大学医歯薬ラグビー同好会 Okayama University Medical and Dental Rugby Circle

鹿田自転車同好会 Shikata Cycling Circle